A Few Speedbumps
Day 1Sometimes, people put me off my game.
Sometimes, I screw things up myself.
I think of yesterday.
I got up, laid a towel on the floor and began my exercises. As I was doing my warmup sets, my mind was multi-tasking. Counting. Drifting off to other places. It spent most of its time in other places; with you. Suddenly, I became aware I was just standing on the towel, not doing anything except thinking of you. With a conscious effort, I shook you from my thoughts and returned to exercise. I still kept forgetting what the next sequence was supposed to be.
I received a text from Gunter advising me that his website was playing up again. Same problem as before. I’m annoyed and embarrassed. Tell him I’m onto it. Plus, the links on one page aren’t working. I tell him I’m onto that, too.
All The Bells And Whistles
Later in the day, I call Gunter to tell him it’s fixed and we chat about the site. I ask about his house; was everything okay when he got back? He tells me I don’t know how I do it.
“What do you mean”, I ask?
“You’ve stayed in the place for a week and it looks as if no-one’s been there. Towels are clean. Everything in its place and untouched.” I take that as a compliment. I jokingly respond that I stayed in a hotel all week to make sure I didn’t mess anything up.
Oh, no,” he says, “I know you didn’t do that. We get a ping on the phone every time the front door chimes.”
“You mean every time I go in and out, you’re aware of it?”
“Yeah. We’ve got vision, too.” I go very still on the end of the phone. All the bells and whistles. He makes no further comment about that and soon after, I end the conversation, although I can’t remember anything either of us said from that point on. →
Stupid request
Km’s from where I want to be: 2100
I’m remembering the door opening around 10 one night. I’m remembering it opening somewhere around 4 in the following morning and 9 the following night. I’m remembering that the porch light goes on automatically in the dark. Just because he’s got vision, doesn’t mean he’s viewed it. If he had, surely he’d say something. Wouldn’t he? He didn’t mention the supplements I left on the side in a bag.
Early evening, I call Gary back. Linda, his ex-wife and mother of his children, has died. It’s affected him more than he expected. Then he tells me he’s received communication from Rebecca, the lawyer he engaged to get the order application pulled. She’s received a notice from Moya’s lawyer. He’s drafted a reply and wants me to read it. I promise I’ll do it within 24 hours.
Honouring my stupid request, there were no more texts from you until early evening. Started with, “My love.” Ended with, “Love you to the moon.” Sooner or later, the family’s going to ask me what I’m smiling at all the time. As soon as I’m alone, I pull out the phone and re-read the messages. A couple of times. Maybe three.
The guy at the airport was right: how did I get so lucky? ↓
Later in the evening, I start the journal you requested. I would never have done it unprompted, but I think it’s a good idea.
I get your goodnight text and we send back and forth, ending with Faaarrrrkkkk. I re-read the string from the day with my eyes. Don’t understand the problem, I think to myself. Then I re-read it with your eyes and notice two things: Firstly, there has been a misunderstanding on my part which led, I think, to a misunderstanding on your part. Secondly, my communication of feelings is nowhere near as clear as yours. I consider – not for the first time – the limitations of the written word. I consider, also, that perhaps I could be less reserved. Hmm. How to strike a balance between open and soppy? Something to work on.
What do you mean the front door opened at 4 in the morning????
Imagine if I discovered my dream was real and all this time you really did go outside with Harley!!
Oh so funny, oh so sad, oh so interesting – in that order as I read.
Who has vision of their house and not tell the sitter!