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Anniversaries It was always going to be difficult Early February, 2024, was always going to be a difficult time. 3 days in a row Throwback to the old me The need to write Lessons 3 days in a row Throwback to the old me The need to write Lessons Early February, 2024,...


Trust Day 35 Oh, What A Night. A salient lesson It started with a fairly innocuous text to you. You went from rest to warp speed in the blink of an eye. Scotty would want to know your power source. I was like a kite in a hurricane. Your ability to turn things around...


Fragile Day 5 An unsettling text put my mind in turmoil I sent a text and received an unexpected reply. It was very disturbing to read “fragile.” Clearly, I did not understand your psyche. This, despite the fact that in your email that you wrote “keeping our...


Leaving Jessica Day 0 Goodbyes, and that last kiss. Ah, the memories of the kiss. As I turned my back and walked away from the convertible, my lips still tingling from that last kiss, a half-smile stole across my face as I saw the man sitting on a bench with his...