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Trust Day 35 Oh, What A Night. A salient lesson It started with a fairly innocuous text to you. You went from rest to warp speed in the blink of an eye. Scotty would want to know your power source. I was like a kite in a hurricane. Your ability to turn things around...
Holding Hands

Holding Hands

Holding Hands Day 26 Such A Simple Way To Connect My heart was under lock and key I can trace the opening of my heart to a specific date and place. The process started earlier than that, of course. Pinpointing a specific date for that is much more difficult. Perhaps...
Sleeping Tiger

Sleeping Tiger

Sleeping Tiger Day 15 Reconciling The Changes Tactile sensations Images About the new phase ASFEO The other night – I can’t remember exactly which night it was, but it was this week – we had been engaging in a bit of late night texting back and forth and when I turned...
Looking Back

Looking Back

Looking Back Day 10 A gentle prompt to do some homework. And let you see it. You have the most amazing eyes. I have used this image of you because for some reason, as I was going through the downloads from facebook, this one jumped out. I think it may have had...


Sensations Day 2 A Beautiful Way To Drift Into The Day You Annoying Little Shit As I slowly drift out of unconsciousness, my first awareness is that inside my eyelids is not completely dark. My brain processes and interprets, “daylight.” Simultaneously, it seems, I am...


Fragile Day 5 An unsettling text put my mind in turmoil I sent a text and received an unexpected reply. It was very disturbing to read “fragile.” Clearly, I did not understand your psyche. This, despite the fact that in your email that you wrote “keeping our...