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Day 20

Just So Thankful

It’s all about you

I’m relaxed. I’m easy.

As I am driving back from Mossman to Cairns, I am quite deliberately taking my time. I have only three things planned for the day, they shouldn’t take long, it wasn’t far to go and I have made an earlyish start.

Moya started work at 8am, so I was on the road by ten to-

Unlike the previous day, which was overcast and grey for the most part, with regular rain, today started with sunshine and scattered clouds. Albeit impressive clouds. None of your Simpsons fluffy pillow stuff.

Anyway, the speed limit’s 100, I’m doing 80. It’s 80, I’m doing 70. This gives me a relaxed outlook and my mind is able to engage in appreciation of my surroundings.

The drive between Cairns and Mossman is one of the nicest drives I have ever made in Australia. Continual beach and ocean vistas, some of them elevated, some of them at sea level.

I cruised past, Pebbly Beach, Thala Beach, Turtle Cove and I began to think about you. That smile spread slowly across my face as I did so and I found myself feeling immense gratitude for whatever circumstances allowed me to find you, or conspired to bring us together. I was thankful for being free to love again. I was thankful for loving you. And I was so very thankful that you love me.

It had to be now now

So I stopped at this café to get it down now now. (Broke my fast with a chai latté, of course) You can see my computer on the table in the photo. I felt the need to let you know right away. I thought of phoning you to tell you, but then thought that you might like this to be part of the journal. It makes sense.

On the road again, I will shortly come to suicide point (inappropriately named, but still) which will allow me an opportunity to get a photo of this beach. Once I do, I will probably swap the image out and may well expand this post a little more, but this is what I have right at this moment and I wanted to connect with you right at this moment.

I am so thankful for you and that we are now “us.” You’re amazing. I love you more than I can express.