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Testing Relationships

Testing Relationships

You somehow misplaced a comment on my last post, substituting one of frustration and causing me much merriment. I’m still waiting for you to comment again, especially as I am seeking your thoughts before proceeding any further with my own thoughts, feelings and...

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Looking Back

Looking Back

You have the most amazing eyes. I have used this image of you because for some reason, as I was going through the downloads from facebook, this one jumped out. I think it may have had something to do with the soft focus. Whatever the reason, your eyes just seemed to...

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Coming Out Of The Dark

Coming Out Of The Dark

Started at the witching hour with darkening thoughts and fatigue, mixed with satisfaction that I had finally been able to get the journal online and hope that it would make a difference to Jessica. Saw in another tab that I had new emails, so thought I’d have a quick...

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You Annoying Little Shit As I slowly drift out of unconsciousness, my first awareness is that inside my eyelids is not completely dark. My brain processes and interprets, “daylight.” Simultaneously, it seems, I am aware of a regular, continual series of noise. My...

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I sent a text and received an unexpected reply. It was very disturbing to read “fragile.” Clearly, I did not understand your psyche. This, despite the fact that in your email that you wrote “keeping our relationship platonic saves me from being vulnerable, getting too...

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Nose To The Wheel

Nose To The Wheel

Went to sleep Woke up Worked No sex Went to sleep thinking of you. Woke up thinking of you. This morning, it was no longer raining. First time since I got here. It started raining on Thursday and they’ve had well over 200 mm since then. Started raining again gently...

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A quite unremarkable day One which does not appeal Wake up thinking of you. A bit of time with family at dinner (rubbish), then a group game on our phones/iPads. That was fun. Watched ‘The Greatest Showman’. Tired. Thinking of you as I fall into bed and straight into...

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A Few Speedbumps

A Few Speedbumps

Sometimes, I screw things up myself. I think of yesterday. I got up, laid a towel on the floor and began my exercises. As I was doing my warmup sets, my mind was multi-tasking. Counting. Drifting off to other places. It spent most of its time in other places; with...

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As I turned my back and walked away from the convertible, my lips still tingling from that last kiss, a half-smile stole across my face as I saw the man sitting on a bench with his luggage. He had been watching me, but as my eyes settled on him, his eyes quickly...

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