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Sleeping Tiger

Day 15

Reconciling The Changes

Tactile sensations


About the new phase


The other night – I can’t remember exactly which night it was, but it was this week – we had been engaging in a bit of late night texting back and forth and when I turned out the lights and settled for sleep, I lay on my side facing the middle of the bed, lower arm outstretched. I closed my eyes and saw you mirroring me. I recall it took an awful long time for our fingers to touch. I think I may have been running it in slow motion in my mind, or maybe I was replaying it over and over. I savoured the image.

About a week ago, I became aware of a change that had happened.

When we finally shifted to this latest, astoundingly amazing phase of our relationship and ended up spending a short series of nights together, I was amazed at how quickly having you in my arms at night – touching you, being touched, reaching for you – became comfortable after years of sleeping alone and undisturbed. Not just comfortable; desirable, normal. Right.

Then I left and I was back to the old normal. It should have been easy to revert to “single” sleep, but the intensity of the senses allowed me to feel you when you weren’t there. Think of it like a dish that is barely simmering on the hob. You can’t smell anything. You take a spoon to stir it, and it releases gases trapped within and then you can smell the aroma of the cooking. Now transmute that from the olfactory sense to the somatosensory sense. That’s what was happening.

But like a fire that doesn’t quite light – the flame catches and flares, but it doesn’t reach a critical point and gradually dies out – this sensation, this ability to feel that sensation, faded. I was concerned, initially, when I realized I could no longer feel you in absentia. I struggled to retrieve the physical experience, but couldn’t. However, the reason I can tell you about this now is that I realise it is just a residual physical memory phenomenon. My thoughts and emotions continue as before and I can still recall or create images, such as I describe above.

This new phase of us will allow me to grow more and become more…I nearly said “complete”, but that sounds too much like a line from a movie. Never mind the “and.” It will allow me to grow more. There is but one thing I ask of you. I just ask that you love me and let me love you. The rest will take care of itself.

Yesterday and the day before, I was thinking about things and this was something I wanted to say to you, but I thought the journal would be a better place for this to reside than an email, certainly far better than a text.

This morning, when I just had to write and post, one of my recurring sayings came to mind again: A song for every occasion.

Jessica Luxmoore on 19 February, 2020 at 12:08 (Edit)

I can’t believe I haven’t commented here. My pulse has quickened for five years seeing Tim Ellis in my inbox.

My heart did another backflip when I read this. You do this to me so easily, and so often.

So this is the song for this occasion:

 And as soon as I wrote “love me and let me love you” this next song tapped me on the shoulder and said, “I believe you were looking for me.” (I prefer George Benson’s version, but this is a beautiful version and I think you’ll prefer it)

How did I get so lucky as to meet you?